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The miner's goal is to collect minerals to make equipment.

The Miner is a specialist in collecting minerals and gems. It's one of the four gathering Professionss available in Tenarius RO and is related to the Weaponsmith, Armorsmith, Jeweler, Tailor and Runer professions.


To be a Miner, the player must talk to Lilian Baptist, located in the Miner's Guild in the Town of Beginnings (141,306).

Miner guild.jpg

After finishing the quest, you will receive the next items:

Item Quantity
Mining Peak 1
Miner hat 1

Also you'll receive the item/skill Mining.


The Miner can go to caverns and mountains where they can get the minerals and gems in two possible ways:


The main source of minerals it's through Vetas (Veins), which are rocky formations that can be blown up by miners. Once the vein is blown up, they have a global delay to be used again. The maps which contain Vetas (veins) are the following:

Ice Dungeon 1

Miner ice dun01.jpg

Ice Dungeon 2

Miner ice dun02.jpg

Ice Dungeon 3


Magma Dungeon 1

Miner magma dun01.jpg

Magma Dungeon 2

Miner magma dun02.jpg

Manuk Field 1

Miner man fild01.jpg

Manuk Field 2

Miner man fild02.jpg

Manuk Field 3

Miner man fild03.jpg

Einbech Dungeon 1

Miner einbech01.jpg

Einbech Dungeon 2

Miner einbech02.jpg

Coal Mine 1

Miner coalmine01.jpg


Another way to get minerals is through hunting monsters in the same maps where the veins are located. To get the minerals, you need equip the miner set you got from the quest.

Minerals and Gems

The main source for getting minerals is through working the Vetas (veins)

The miner can get two types of minerals and gems: common and rare. Getting the latter one will grant you points to get a higher rank in the profession.

Common minerals and gems

Item ID Item Obtainable from
Piedra Mineral Verde 40173 Hunting, Veins and Common Geode
Piedra Mineral Roja 40170 Hunting, Veins and Common Geode
Piedra Mineral Negra 40174 Hunting, Veins and Common Geode
Piedra Mineral Azul 40172 Hunting, Veins and Common Geode
Piedra Mineral Amarilla 40171 Hunting, Veins and Common Geode
Cristal Mayagma 40175 Veins and Mob from Magma Dungeon, Common Geode
Cristal Manuk 40176 Veins and Mob from Manuk, Common Geode
Cristal Kori 40177 Veins and Mob from Ice Dungeon, Common Geode
Cristal Pyrus 40178 Veins and Mob from Magma Dungeon, Common Geode
Cristal Aquos 40179 Veins and Mob from Ice Dungeon, Common Geode
Cristal Ventus 40180 Veins and Mob from Manuk, Common Geode
Bavarium Dorado 40406 Veins and Mob from Einbech, Common Geode
Bavarium Platinum 40407 Veins and Mob from Einbech, Common Geode
Bavarium Broce 40408 Veins and Mob from Coal Mine, Common Geode
Dilithium 40409 Veins and Mob from Coal Mine, Common Geode

Rare Minerals and Gems

Item ID Item Obtainable from
Runa de Cristal 40181 Veins and Rare Geode
Cristal de la Noche 40182 Veins and Rare Geode
Cristal Kiseki 40183 Veins and Rare Geode
Piedra Ilusoria 40184 Veins and Rare Geode
Iron Fragment 40404 Veins and Rare Geode
Aluminum Fragment 40405 Veins and Rare Geode


The geodes are rocky cavities that contain minerals inside. Once opened, you can get two minerals and gems, common or rare.

Item ID Item Obtainable from
Geoda Común 40185 Veins
Geoda Rara 40186 Veins

Miner Ranking

A rare gem

To rank up as a miner, you need to get rare minerals and gems. Each one of those gives you one point and getting a certain amount will move you to a higher rank. The following table shows how many points a miner needs for each rank:

Points to unlock a rank Ranking level Rank
1 1 Porcelain
32 2 Obsidian
52 3 Steel
72 4 Sapphire
102 5 Emerald
132 6 Ruby
162 7 Bronze
202 8 Silver
242 9 Gold
272 10 Platinum

The miner ranking NPC is located in the Town of Beginnings (174,233).